safe, insightful talk alternative to family, friends, therapy, coaching

Mental Health Videos

Following are some great videos related to mental health.

Brent Seal of MAVRIXX, Vancouver, Canada at the 2014 TEDxSFU: Redefine the Norm (youth/young adult oriented)
The message of my TEDx talk was that we all face challenges, but we also all have the choice to re-frame our challenges as opportunities – to grow, to connect, to serve. I use the story of how my biggest challenge (being diagnosed with schizophrenia) has shifted into m biggest opportunity and share ideas of how anyone can do the same.

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Brain on joy

Face to Face with Mental Illness
3 Vancouver Canada students relay the start of their journey strengthening their mental health and erasing the stigma.

Taylor Kagel:


Brent Seal:


Joe Robeck:

Brain on joy